Sunday, June 17, 2012

June 2012

The U.S.S. Kelvin from the new Star Trek movie.

The Enterprise.

A "Mumeshs" ship from the Enterprise TV show.

The Romulan ship from the Star Trek movie.

Star Tours ship 1: 1301.  Includes the robot pilot.

Star Tours ship 2: 1401 with C3PO.

First batch of pictures

The generator from Spiderman II.

He calls it the "tranium machine."

Stardeath ship. I don't know if it is from a movie or if he made it up.

"Death ship star walker machine."

"Dirigible, from the movie UP."

A giant war machine.

"A rocket-- from Wallace and Gromit's a Grand Day Out."

A pair of "The Techno-trousers" from "The Wrong Trousers," a Wallace and Gromit movie.
Ben could wear them and walk around.

From Stewart Little II- a model biplane.

The propellor spins!

The Titanic

Side view of the Titanic.  "Before it sinks."